
Recent testimonial from an engineer at a gas equipment manufacturer!

Recent testimonial from an engineer at a gas equipment manufacturer:

"I know I can always count on you and your team for the best translations for our products".

E2f Tech can cover all your English to Canadian French translation needs - just get in touch with us through www.e2ftech.com.


Testimonial from a long-time customer!

Recent testimonial from a long-time customer, leaving her position in a leading Canadian automotive marketing company: “It was truly a pleasure working with you too. The level of engagement and dedication you bring makes you seem like an inside employee, not an external service provider!” Although we are large enough to handle any English to Canadian French translation project, we are also small enough to provide a personalised service and to really understand our customers’ needs!


Description de nos services à un client potentiel

Bien sûr, nous travaillons avec les outils de traduction à la fine pointe. Nous utilisons un outil en ligne appelé XTM (http://www.xtm-intl.com/), très puissant et très flexible, qui peut traduire directement plus de 40 formats de documents, dont plusieurs formats de graphisme, notamment InDesign, le plus populaire par les temps qui courent. XTM comprend un répertoire terminologique et une mémoire de traduction. Si vous avez des documents de référence ou si vos fournisseurs précédents sont prêts à vous fournir leur "mémoire de traduction" au format XTM (ils devraient, car ça vous appartient), nous pourrons réutiliser, ou nous référer à ce contenu, ce qui réduira vos coûts. Nous offrons aussi quelques services complémentaires, dont le graphisme, transcription et doublage. Notre tarif de base est de 24 cents le mot, avec réductions significatives pour les répétitions (même document ou demandes précédentes). Assez rarement, il arrive que nous facturions un peu de temps de préparation de document (cas typique: lorsque le document d'origine est au format pdf-image / le texte n'est pas sélectionnable). Finalement, contrairement à plusieurs autres fournisseurs, nous ne facturons rien pour la révision finale avant publication, ni aucuns frais de gestion de compte, de gestion de projet, de révision ou je ne sais quoi d'autre! 95% du temps c'est tout simplement 24 cents le mot moins répétitions.


At e2f Tech we are experts in communication!

At e2f Tech we are experts in communication! Internal and external emails, training, powerpoint presentations, articles, newsletters, sales pitches – you name it and we can translate it from English to Canadian French! Highly technical, scientific or general! Please get in touch with us through www.e2ftech.com.


Context is KING!

Context is KING!! While translating a real estate iOS application into Canadian French, we were asked to translate a simple string: ‘stories’. It seemed pretty obvious that it was referring to the number of floors in a building, rather than children’s stories, but when we checked with the client, it was actually referring to newspaper or magazine articles! So no matter how short your translation is, remember to provide context – even a photo can help!


What to do with idiomatic expressions in a translation!

http://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-your-language/2014/apr/16/mind-your-language-quote-unquote English has some great idiomatic expressions, and if you translate them directly into Canadian French, the result will often be confused readers or much hilarity! At E2f Tech we understand both cultures and know when to translate directly and when to be more creative – this is why we feel comfortable translating marketing material and highly technical texts! For a free quote, please get in touch with us through www.e2ftech.com.


At e2f Tech we provide highly accurate general and technical translations with all the nuances of Canadian French!

Canada houses millions of bilingual people. However, speaking two languages is one thing, translating accurately is another! As Anthony Burgess said, “translation is not a matter of words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture”. At e2f Tech we provide highly accurate general and technical translations with all the nuances of Canadian French. For a free quote, please get in touch with us through www.e2ftech.com.


We have recently translated an amazing variety of iOS and Android apps!

We have recently translated an amazing variety of iOS and Android apps, as our clients move with the times to improve the customer experience. At e2f Tech, we can handle pretty much any file format, including native app formats (po, pot and others)! For a free, no obligation quote, please get in touch with us through www.e2ftech.com.


Recent project: translation from English to Canadian French of a study on the future of home automation

Recent project: translation from English to Canadian French of a study on the future of home automation, with intelligent features and internet connected appliances. Example: you receive a text message saying there’s a storm coming and your garage door is open! Just like e2f Tech, they use the latest technology with a personal touch! If you have a similar project, please contact us through e2ftech.com.


Be careful with your brand name!

http://thatwordsite.com/2014/04/losing-capital/ When does a brand name lose its capital letter? According to this article, it’s when the brand name is verbified, as in to hoover or to google.... so choose your name well! At e2f Tech we specialise in marketing translations and are often trusted with creating the Canadian French brand name for our clients’ products. For a free quote, please get in touch with us through www.e2ftech.com.


Recent project: translation of the latest developments in the copper and fiber cable industries

Recent project: translation from English to Canadian French of a strategic study on the latest developments in the copper and fiber cable industries, such as twisted-pair copper cable advances, main fiber optics families, hybrid and wireless solutions, and photonic and optical LANs. We truly are a connected translation provider! You have a similar project? Please contact us through e2ftech.com


We can even help you with your brand name!

In India there are 29 languages spoken by at least 1m people, and 447 mother tongues – a marketing nightmare! Luckily for our clients, e2fTech specialises in Canadian French, and can provide you with culturally adapted and accurate translations. We can even help you with your brand name – a marketing dream! http://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-your-language/2014/apr/11/mind-your-language-india-election


The intricacies of reaching your audience with the proper nuances of a language!

Here is an article that explores the intricacies of reaching your audience with the proper nuances of a language. At e2fTech we adapt the rendering of your texts based on your target audience, its level of knowledge and its use of regionalisms. http://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-your-language/2014/mar/14/mind-your-language-different-englishes


Recent project: Complete back-end, content management system (CMS)

Complete translation of a web-based CMS system, admin manual and user manual, from English to French (Canada) for the largest automotive web solutions provider in North America. We saved the customer a large amount of editing time by translating directly in its code with our specialized translation tools. You have a similar project: contact us at e2ftech.com - we look forward to hearing from you!


We love numbers!

Can you add and subtract in more than one language, or do you have to revert to your native language for calculations? At e2f Tech we know all the common number pitfalls and are totally at home translating end of year reports and product specs from English into Canadian French. Contact us through www.e2ftech.com - we look forward to hearing from you!


Speed-reading? Slow down a little!

Do you read for pleasure or just when you have to? Do you like the idea of reading War and Peace in only 20 minutes using a new speed-reading app, or do you prefer to savour a book? At e2f Tech we take the time necessary to provide you with a top-quality English to Canadian French translation – but when you have a rush job, we can scale-up and deliver it to you a.s.a.p.! http://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-your-language/2014/apr/04/mind-your-language-slow-reading


Recent project: smoke alarms and home security systems

Just finished: translation from English to Canadian French of a distribution catalogue (smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, safes, video security systems) for a leading Canadian manufacturer. We translated directly into the InDesign file, saving the customer a few days of layout work. This job was right up our street! If you have a distribution or industrial catalogue to translate, we are the experts! www.e2ftech.com. We look forward to hearing from you!


English is evolving through our pronunciation errors!

‘Read’ can be pronounced in two different ways, ‘caught’ and ‘court’ are pronounced the same...and how on earth do you say ‘awry’?? In this article you can see how English is evolving through our pronunciation errors. Here at e2f Tech (e2ftech.com), we find the best possible way to turn English into Canadian French, and you can be sure that our translations are consistently high quality and error-free! http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/mar/11/pronunciation-errors-english-language


We can keep your costs down by translating directly into design files!

http://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2014/mar/31/changing-font-to-garamond-save-us-370m In this article a 14-year-old student says the US government could cut printing costs just by changing the font it uses! At e2f Tech we can also help keep your costs down by translating directly into design files like FrameMaker, InDesign and Illustrator – so instead of copying and pasting, all you have to do is tweak the design!


Do you invent words?

Have you ever invented a word and been convinced that it really existed in your second language? Speaking several languages can be tricky, even for professional translators like us at e2f Tech! Although Shakespeare Week is over, this article takes a look at English words he is said to have invented – you won’t believe some of them! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/10711553/Laughable-maybe-but-never-lacklustre-words-of-the-Bard.html


Digital pen which checks your spelling!

In this age of spellcheckers and typing, have we forgotten how to write?? For those horrendous spellers, this digital pen which vibrates when you spell a word incorrectly is your answer! At e2f Tech we use cutting edge translation memory tools which not only check spelling but also keep your specialized terminology consistent with all previous translations. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10175752/Digital-pen-spell-checks-handwritten-notes-as-you-write.html


Some Friday fun!

Ever tried translating a joke and found that no-one laughs? Here’s a video of jokes from around the world, translated into English! http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/mar/20/foreign-languages-jokes-comedy-english-translation-generation-y


On the importance of context!

We recently received the following request: How would you translate "left" into French? I was just about to answer "gauche", when my brain asked me to apply the brakes full-on…Well, if it's referring to a direction, it’s "gauche", but if it's a remaining quantity it’s "il reste"…. Turns out it was for a count down! That’s why we usually ask for context for short translations - we don’t want you to be -left- behind! I often say it's quicker and easier to translate 3 paragraphs than 3 words!


The right choice for your marketing texts!

"A translation is no translation…unless it will give you the music of a poem along with the words of it" (Millington Synge). As you know, our Canadian French translations keep the music of English alive – especially important in marketing texts and branding!


Is punctuation on the way out?

Are you a promiscuous punctuator or do you prefer to communicate your message through images? :) At e2f Tech we can translate your texts or your design files from English to Canadian French! http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/04/have-we-hit-peak-punctation/358628/


The tricky nature of translating food!

Although we have been translating from English to Canadian French for years, it never ceases to amaze us how tricky the translation of food can be! How would you translate a dish which doesn’t exist in another country? Would you translate ‘pasta’ or leave the original Italian word? Follow this link to see some of the dilemmas faced in Quebec! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/is-pasta-french-enough-for-quebec-1.1301918?cmp=rss


How many of these words do you use incorrectly in English??

As translators and proofreaders we often see how people use, misuse and abuse words in the most extraordinary ways and in all languages! Follow this link to find some really good examples of misused English words – I’m sure you can think of examples for Canadian French! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rob-reinalda/malapropisms_b_4994224.html?&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000031


Lost in translation - the slippery nature of language!

Here at E2FTech we are well aware of the importance of translating idiomatic expressions accurately rather than literally – giving you a translation which is culturally adapted for the French Canadian market. Take a look at some examples of the slippery nature of language: http://www.omniglot.com/language/articles/lostintranslation.htm


Book challenge - how many have you read??

It is said that a good translator should also be well-read….Are you an avid reader? Do you read novels in their original language or in a translated version? Follow this link to see a list of 100 books of which the BBC believes you only read 6….I’ve read 40 – how many have you read?? http://www.listchallenges.com/kaunismina-bbc-6-books-challenge


How movie titles are translated!

Did you know that ‘American Hustle’ is translated as "American Scam" (Arnaque américaine) in Québec? And have you ever looked at the translated title of a movie and thought “Who translated THAT??!”? For more examples on how titles are translated into French and other languages, have a look at this CTV article: ‘Titles of Hollywood hits lost in translation abroad’: http://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/titles-of-hollywood-hits-lost-in-translation-abroad-1.1708618#ixzz2wJsltvjf


English to Canadian French translation in almost any file format!

E2FTech can translate your texts from English to Canadian French in almost any file format! Contact us through www.e2ftech.com and we will be happy to help you


Current project: translation of virtual automotive test drive video scripts

Cool current project: we are translating thousands of short scripts for online virtual automotive test drives, for several new car manufacturers! Our customer is the largest automotive web solutions provider in North America. If you have any similar English to Canadian French translation needs, please contact us through e2ftech.com

We look forward to hearing from you!


Recent project: the translation of a digital fire-proof safe manual

Recent project: the translation of a manual for an ultra-modern, digital fire-proof safe! If you have any similar English to Canadian French translation needs, please send us a brief description of your project through www.e2ftech.com.

We look forward to hearing from you!


English to Canadian French translation of the engineering specifications of a desiccant dehumidifaction system

We are just finishing an English to Canadian French translation of the engineering specifications of a desiccant dehumidifaction system - right up our street!
If you have similar content to translate, contact us through www.e2ftech.com and we will be happy to help you!


English to Canadian French translation of a user guide for a symbol processing software

We are currently translating a user guide for a symbol processing software into Canadian French - this will help language learners from all around Canada! If you have a similar project, contact us through www.e2ftech.com and we'll send you a free quote.


Recent project: translation of two large electric power distribution equipment catalogues from English into Canadian French.

We recently finished the translation of two large electric power distribution equipment catalogues from English into Canadian French. We also provided complete dtp (graphic design) services!