
Digital pen which checks your spelling!

In this age of spellcheckers and typing, have we forgotten how to write?? For those horrendous spellers, this digital pen which vibrates when you spell a word incorrectly is your answer! At e2f Tech we use cutting edge translation memory tools which not only check spelling but also keep your specialized terminology consistent with all previous translations. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10175752/Digital-pen-spell-checks-handwritten-notes-as-you-write.html


Some Friday fun!

Ever tried translating a joke and found that no-one laughs? Here’s a video of jokes from around the world, translated into English! http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/mar/20/foreign-languages-jokes-comedy-english-translation-generation-y


On the importance of context!

We recently received the following request: How would you translate "left" into French? I was just about to answer "gauche", when my brain asked me to apply the brakes full-on…Well, if it's referring to a direction, it’s "gauche", but if it's a remaining quantity it’s "il reste"…. Turns out it was for a count down! That’s why we usually ask for context for short translations - we don’t want you to be -left- behind! I often say it's quicker and easier to translate 3 paragraphs than 3 words!


The right choice for your marketing texts!

"A translation is no translation…unless it will give you the music of a poem along with the words of it" (Millington Synge). As you know, our Canadian French translations keep the music of English alive – especially important in marketing texts and branding!


Is punctuation on the way out?

Are you a promiscuous punctuator or do you prefer to communicate your message through images? :) At e2f Tech we can translate your texts or your design files from English to Canadian French! http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/04/have-we-hit-peak-punctation/358628/


The tricky nature of translating food!

Although we have been translating from English to Canadian French for years, it never ceases to amaze us how tricky the translation of food can be! How would you translate a dish which doesn’t exist in another country? Would you translate ‘pasta’ or leave the original Italian word? Follow this link to see some of the dilemmas faced in Quebec! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/is-pasta-french-enough-for-quebec-1.1301918?cmp=rss


How many of these words do you use incorrectly in English??

As translators and proofreaders we often see how people use, misuse and abuse words in the most extraordinary ways and in all languages! Follow this link to find some really good examples of misused English words – I’m sure you can think of examples for Canadian French! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rob-reinalda/malapropisms_b_4994224.html?&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000031


Lost in translation - the slippery nature of language!

Here at E2FTech we are well aware of the importance of translating idiomatic expressions accurately rather than literally – giving you a translation which is culturally adapted for the French Canadian market. Take a look at some examples of the slippery nature of language: http://www.omniglot.com/language/articles/lostintranslation.htm


Book challenge - how many have you read??

It is said that a good translator should also be well-read….Are you an avid reader? Do you read novels in their original language or in a translated version? Follow this link to see a list of 100 books of which the BBC believes you only read 6….I’ve read 40 – how many have you read?? http://www.listchallenges.com/kaunismina-bbc-6-books-challenge


How movie titles are translated!

Did you know that ‘American Hustle’ is translated as "American Scam" (Arnaque américaine) in Québec? And have you ever looked at the translated title of a movie and thought “Who translated THAT??!”? For more examples on how titles are translated into French and other languages, have a look at this CTV article: ‘Titles of Hollywood hits lost in translation abroad’: http://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/titles-of-hollywood-hits-lost-in-translation-abroad-1.1708618#ixzz2wJsltvjf


English to Canadian French translation in almost any file format!

E2FTech can translate your texts from English to Canadian French in almost any file format! Contact us through www.e2ftech.com and we will be happy to help you


Current project: translation of virtual automotive test drive video scripts

Cool current project: we are translating thousands of short scripts for online virtual automotive test drives, for several new car manufacturers! Our customer is the largest automotive web solutions provider in North America. If you have any similar English to Canadian French translation needs, please contact us through e2ftech.com

We look forward to hearing from you!